CARF Accredited


OneEighty was recently granted a 3-year renewal of our accreditation by CARF International!

CARF, which stands for Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities, works with providers to ensure they are providing high quality services and meeting organizational/program standards.

CARF accreditation is an ongoing process and demonstrates that OneEighty is committed to continuously improving services and serving the community.

What is CARF accreditation?

CARF accreditation represents one of the highest levels of accreditation that an organization can receive. 

The CARF accreditation process takes time. CARF representatives visit each organization in person or virtually. During their visit they review leadership, policy and procedures, check standards and reports, visit all facilities affiliated with the organization and do health and safety checks. They also interview employees, board members and current patients. CARF then shares a report highlighting the organizations strengths, and offers suggestions for improvement opportunities. Once a program passes CARF’s review, it receives CARF’s seal of approval and accreditation.

After earning this accreditation, programs must work to maintain it.

The highest level of accreditation with CARF is 3 years. 

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