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Mission & Values

Helping People Change Direction

We’re advocates, hope providers, recovery warriors, and grassroots community leaders. We actively support an evidence-based approach to sustainable recovery from trauma and addiction -- restoring dignity and purpose, reimagining potential, and rebuilding lives.

Call us today: 330-264-8498

Our Services

A crisis doesn’t wait for a convenient time.

Crisis and trauma can rock us to our core. And when someone loses hope, they also lose the reasons they need to seek support, heal and grow. At OneEighty, we support a continuum of care with an individualized approach that can save and restore lives. Find the trauma-informed care, the preventive tools, the new direction, the motivation, the advocacy, and the understanding support you need to change your life.

Addiction and Substance Use

We treat addiction as a disease. It’s a complex condition that affects your mental and physical health. Find the support you need to rebuild your life.

Residential Treatment

Find a safe place, the support, the skills, and the stability to heal, grow and begin to thrive.

Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault

Find comprehensive and compassionate services. Our Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Hotline is available 24 hours: 800-686-1122

Mental Health Counseling

From anxiety and depression to severe trauma we help victims (including children) heal, grow and recover.

Community Relations & Prevention

We offer education and outreach services on substance use, domestic violence, and positive mental health and wellness.

Recovery Coaching

Find guidance and support from our certified peer specialists who have a unique understanding of your challenges -- because they’ve been there too. Our Recovery Assistance hotline is available 24 hours: 330-464-1423

Housing & Support Services

We believe in a “housing first” approach to wellness -- ensuring a safe place to live while addressing other needs.

Newsletter Sign-Up

Stay tuned to the latest news, events, and inspiring stories – when you subscribe to the OneEighty Community eNewsletter.

Didn’t Find What You Were Looking For?

We offer a comprehensive range of services and a continuum of care that may not be reflected at first glance. Reach out and ask how we can help. Call us today at 330-264-8498.